Chop the onions and 1 clove garlic thinly, crumble the bay leaf finely. Knead the butter with all the other chopped spices, salt, pepper. Stuff each quail with a tablespoon of butter. Tie up the small bards and the fillets. Rub the whole gratin dish with the second garlic clove. Slice the potatoes thinly, arrange in two layers topped with small pieces of flavored butter, salt, pepper, moisten with hot water flush with the potatoes. Bake in a hot oven (350F). During the roasting, dip the potatoes from time to time to cover the surface so that they do not brown too quickly. After 1 1/2 hours, place the quail on a wire tray covering the dish. Bake for around 30 minutes, turning to brown all over. To serve, remove the bards and arrange the quail on top of the potatoes.